Bicentennial Reception
Celebrating HLS Alumni Judges
from Greater Philadelphia
Join us as we celebrate the 200th anniversary of HLS
with distinguished alumni and alumnae serving as federal and
state court judges in the Greater Philadelphia region.
Third Circuit Judge Joseph Greenaway ('81) and
Delaware Superior Court Judge Andrea Rocanelli ('89) will share
their thoughts about their time at HLS, career paths, and
experiences on the bench. A cocktail reception will follow.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Pepper Hamilton LLP
300 Two Logan Square
18th and Arch Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Food and drinks are complementary
RSVP online or by emailing Lindsay Breedlove,
Pepper Hamilton LLP
300 Two Logan Square 18th and Arch Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19103
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RSVP Here...
Email Lindsay Breedlove '09