Join Us for a Conversation
with Current Participants in the
HLS Immigration and Refugee Clinic
Thursday, February 23, 2017
12:00 - 1:00 pm
at Pepper Hamilton
via teleconference
In her New Year’s e-mail to alumni, Dean Martha Minow noted that for 200 years, the various communities that have shaped Harvard Law School have been “moved to question, prepared to reason, and called to act.”
To illustrate, she recounted the efforts of the renowned Immigration and Refugee Clinic, where students are assisting hundreds of individuals who have been affected by the recent Executive Orders, representing asylum seekers applying for humanitarian protection, and engaging in research and advocacy on refugee resettlement, among other endeavors.
Join us on Thursday, February 23 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm to hear about these incredible efforts from the students themselves. Bring your lunch and participate in a video conference at Pepper Hamilton (drinks and dessert provided), or listen from your desk by joining via teleconfernece.
RSVP online or directly to Lindsay Breedlove at If you would like to participate via teleconference, the dial-in number is 866-499-5343, and the passcode is 215-981-4581. If you have any technical difficulties during the program, please e-mail
Pepper Hamilton LLP
3000 Two Logan Square 18th and Arch Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19103
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RSVP Here...
Email Lindsay Breedlove '09